Green Tara protects us from all fears and dangers. She sits in half lotus position, ready to spring into action to liberate from suffering those who call upon her. Her green color represents a strong air element, enabling her to move quickly across great distances like a powerful wind to focus healing on those who need her. She has an active yang quality, hinting at the vibrant beauty, fertility, and creative potential which is effortlessly expressed in the playfulness of the natural world.

Green Tara’s eyes are pregnant with a feminine expression of compassion, which transcends all conceptual representation and pierces through all delusions. She represents a more active quality compared to White Tara. There is an immediacy associated with the power of her wisdom and compassion, as she acts quickly to protect those who call on her from all fears and dangers.

A warm light radiates outward from her heart centre, encompassing the bodies of all sentient beings, purifying the darkness and obscurity associated with the confusion of attachment and habitual patterns.

ॐ तारे तुत्तारे तुरे स्वाहा