White Tara is sometimes referred to as “the seven eyed Goddess”. Her third eye, along with eyes in the palms of her hands and the soles of her feet, enable her to see all suffering. She encourages us to develop vigilance and sensitivity to the subtle energies in and around us. Her white color represents a strong earth element. Grounded firmly in the strength of place, she sits in full lotus. She has a strong yin quality, gently channeling earth energy into compassion which she radiates in all directions like a candle whose light cannot be hidden.

White Tara is one of the principle deities whose practice bestows "Long-Life". The word “Life” can be understood to refer to the harmony, potency, and balance of the five elements, both in one’s body and in the environment. When these elements of earth, water, fire, wind, and space are strong and balanced, one’s capacity to do spiritual practice and benefit others is supported. Practicing with this form of Tara balances and strengthens the five elements within and around the practitioner. 

White Tara is specifically connected with wisdom qualities, symbolized by her seven eyes. The five eyes on her hands, feet, and forehead can be interpreted to evoke the qualities of the five primordial wisdoms, expressions of our innate Buddha Nature which is both vast and clear. Because White Tara wisdom nature transcends all limitations, meditating on her form enables us to better realize our own instrinsic wisdom nature. White Tara’s mantra offers an excellent prayer for sustaining the balance of elements that creates a healthy mind and body over the long term. Her mantra can be directed either toward oneself or toward others.

ओं तारे तुत्तारे तुरे मम अयःपुण्य ज्ञान पुश्टिं कुरु स्वाहा